Thursday, 18 April 2013

Tips To Keep Balanced Diet

Before selecting your daily food menu, you have to aware of your body’s mineral and vitamin requirements and you have to know the nutritional values of the food choices. Follow the below steps to make sure for a balanced diet. Food choices must contain five main food groups like fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses, dairy, poultry, fish and meat products. In general human body needs 40 nutrients including vitamins, minerals, water, protein,...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

10 greatest weight loss tips

If you are not ready for a full-scale diet then try to make a few simple changes to your daily life. In this article I have given some tips on how to loss weight in simple way. Use these simple and greatest  weight loss tips to lose weight. Drink a glass of red wine every day can preventing you from putting on fat. Especially it reduces the fat around your belly. Grape helps to inhibit the development of fat cells. Try to eat more...

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Food Rules to Ignore

Losing weight can seem like nothing but rules. Disregarding strict food guidelines could be the secret to a successful slim-down. It has been found that people with a flexible approach to eating-one that allows for sweets and other perceived slip ups had a better record of maintaining weight loss than dieters with an all or nothing strategy. Eating at night will pile on pounds. The total calories you consume over a 24 hours period or...

Saturday, 2 March 2013

What to eat before, during and after workout

It is shown that what we eat before, during and after a workout can have a significant effect on our energy levels, the quality of our workout, and the recovery process which follows. An effective workout depends on many factors - the most important one being your diet. Foods provide the gas to the body’s engine, and fluids provide the water to your body’s radiator. Without these crucial fuels and fluids, your body will have a hard time performing...

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

People eager to lose weight often go on low calorie juice diets. Whereas juice provides with many nutrients, one needs to combine it with some exercise regime to lose that weight. Many people believe this type of diet can reset your physiology to help make weight loss and an all around healthier lifestyle possible.  Juice diets are popular and healthy ways to lose weight because you gain nearly all of the nutrients your body requires in...

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Spices that help in Weight Lose

Adding a wide variety of flavorful spices to your foods can help you control portion sizes and lose weight. The spicy substance may trigger protein changes in the body that cause weight lose and fight against fat storage. Herbs and spices have absolutely no calories, and they’ll make all the difference in the flavor of your food. Here are some of the spices that not only add flavor to your favorite dishes but can help in your battle against fat. Cinnamon:...

Monday, 25 February 2013

Tips to choose right diet to lose weight

Choosing a weight loss program may be a difficult task. You may not know what to look for in a weight loss program. Each individual is different. There is no universal diet that will help every person to lose weight. Here's how to choose a weight loss program that's right for you. When planning your diet it is important that you consider what calories level is appropriate for you. Talk to a doctor. Getting a doctor involved in a weight...