Thursday 18 April 2013

Tips To Keep Balanced Diet

Tips To Keep Balanced Diet

  • Before selecting your daily food menu, you have to aware of your body’s mineral and vitamin requirements and you have to know the nutritional values of the food choices. Follow the below steps to make sure for a balanced diet.
  • Food choices must contain five main food groups like fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses, dairy, poultry, fish and meat products.
  • In general human body needs 40 nutrients including vitamins, minerals, water, protein, carbohydrates and fats. So it is important to eat a variety of foods.
  • Your diet makes sure that your Body Mass Index (BMI) is within the recommended range.
  • Eating foods with low in saturated and Trans fat, try to eat low fat recipes.
  • Sugar, oil and alcoholic beverage consumption is restricted.
  • Your food must have low sodium content.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

10 greatest weight loss tips

If you are not ready for a full-scale diet then try to make a few simple changes to your daily life. In this article I have given some tips on how to loss weight in simple way. Use these simple and greatest  weight loss tips to lose weight.

10 greatest weight loss tips
  • Drink a glass of red wine every day can preventing you from putting on fat. Especially it reduces the fat around your belly. Grape helps to inhibit the development of fat cells.
  • Try to eat more berries. Other fruits contain fructose and it can combine with carbs to increase body fat.
  • Add red cabbage to your lunch every day to drop a few kg. Usually red cabbage will increase fat-burning adiponectin and aids to weight loss.
  • Add pineapple to your snack list. It increases your metabolism and breaks down unwanted fat.
  • Try to add more chilli to your meals. Chilli contains capsaicin that helps to burn fats faster.
  • Add more tomatoes to your sandwiches. It will keep you feeling full and you make you to avoid post-lunchtime snacks. It reduces the hunger hormone ghrelin.
  • Eat more pomegranates. Their seed oil will reduce the ability to store fat and they will curb your desire for sugars.
  • Eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal will helps to reduce 187 fewer calories if you do.
  • Take eggs for breakfast. It contains low-calorie protein and used for perfect weight loss.
  • A glass of carrot juice a day will help you to lose 2kg over 12 weeks. It is high in nutrients and helps to burn fat. Carrot is also good for eyes.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Food Rules to Ignore

Losing weight can seem like nothing but rules. Disregarding strict food guidelines could be the secret to a successful slim-down. It has been found that people with a flexible approach to eating-one that allows for sweets and other perceived slip ups had a better record of maintaining weight loss than dieters with an all or nothing strategy.

Food Rules to Ignore

  • Eating at night will pile on pounds. The total calories you consume over a 24 hours period or over a week is what causes you to gain weight.
  • Bread is fattening, nuts are fattening, pasta is fattening. Whole-wheat bread/pasta is a great source of nutrients, and it won’t make you gain weight more than any other food with the same number of calories.
  • When you blow your diet, you might as well wait until the next day to get back on track. Nothing could be further from the truth- always try to get right back on track with your next meal.
  • Skipping your meals very now and then will help you lose. When you blow your diet, you might as well wait until the next day to get back on track. Nothing could be farther from the truth- always try to get right back on track with your next meal.
  • It’s best to eat at the same times every day. Eat when you’re hungry, not when the clock says it’s time to eat.

Saturday 2 March 2013

What to eat before, during and after workout

What to eat before, during and after workout

It is shown that what we eat before, during and after a workout can have a significant effect on our energy levels, the quality of our workout, and the recovery process which follows. An effective workout depends on many factors - the most important one being your diet. Foods provide the gas to the body’s engine, and fluids provide the water to your body’s radiator. Without these crucial fuels and fluids, your body will have a hard time performing at its best.

Before Workout:
  • Before exercising it’s important to fuel your body. Only then you can adequately handle the physical stress of lifting weights, playing individual or team sports, or running.
  • Choose pre-workout meals or snacks that are easy to digest and won't cause bloating or irritate your stomach.
  •  Do not hit the gym on an empty stomach. The stress that exercise has on the body, combined with the lack of sugar (energy) will lead to hypoglycemia, a condition that will make you prone to fatigue.
  • Aim to drink around two to two and a half cups of water in the 1-2 hours before your workout, and then drink water during and after your exercise.
  • Try to keep your fat intake to a minimum, since high fat foods tend to take longer to digest, and can therefore leave you feeling heavy and sluggish during your workout.

During Workout:
  • Keep a water bottle with you to re hydrate every 15-30 minutes during your training session.
  • To boost your energy during endurance activities, before you reach for a sports drink, consider honey as it is naturally has equal parts fructose and glucose.
  • If you are planning a very long bike ride or run, you may want to take along an energy bar, or some easily digested fruit, such as a banana, or orange slices, to help maintain your blood sugar levels.

After Workout:
  • After a really tough workout, you should try to eat a recovery meal within 30 minutes if possible. 
  • The body loses salt due to sweating. That is why it's very important to compensate via a rich source of electrolyte.
  • If you have cut back your carbohydrate intake, but still like to eat a little each day, your post-workout snack or meal is the perfect time to do that.
  • Don’t forget to get some protein in, too, for muscle refueling and repair.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

People eager to lose weight often go on low calorie juice diets. Whereas juice provides with many nutrients, one needs to combine it with some exercise regime to lose that weight. Many people believe this type of diet can reset your physiology to help make weight loss and an all around healthier lifestyle possible. 

Juice diets are popular and healthy ways to lose weight because you gain nearly all of the nutrients your body requires in one little glass. When you consume a juice diet, you over all increase in energy, you get clearer skin and healing of your digestive system.

carrot juice
Some healthy low calorie juice recipes for weight loss are as follows:
  • Grapefruit Orange Juice Recipe:
Take 1 grapefruit, 3 oranges. Then take out the juice of these fruits and in blender. Add ice and sip. Grapefruit are beneficial for losing weight.
  • Pomegranate Juice Recipe:
Take 1 pomegranate seeds and flesh; 125 gms seedless red grapes, 1 apple, 5 tbsp of soya yogurt, 1 tsp of berry powder (optional), 1 tsp of ground flax seed. Juice the fruits, then pour the juice into a blender with the rest of the ingredients and process until smooth.
  • Papaya Juice Recipe:
Take 1 papaya, 1 apple, 4-5 dates. Pit the dates and then blend all the ingredients in a blender. Best when served fresh.
  • Carrot Beet Juice Recipe:
Take 7-8 carrots, half boiled and peeled beetroot, 4 leaves lettuce.  Blend all the ingredients and enjoy this healthy juice recipe.
  • Melon Juice Recipe:
Take two cubs cubed watermelon, 2 cups cubed honeydew melon, 2 cups cubed cantaloupe and 1 inch grated ginger. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and add ice. This is a refreshing and cooling low calories juice recipe.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Spices that help in Weight Lose

Adding a wide variety of flavorful spices to your foods can help you control portion sizes and lose weight. The spicy substance may trigger protein changes in the body that cause weight lose and fight against fat storage. Herbs and spices have absolutely no calories, and they’ll make all the difference in the flavor of your food. Here are some of the spices that not only add flavor to your favorite dishes but can help in your battle against fat.

Spices that help in Weight Lose

Cinnamon: this helps to reduce blood sugar and helps in carp’s process healthier.
Black Pepper: this boosts metabolism, helps in digestion and aids nutrient absorption.
Mustard: Mustard can speed up metabolism by almost 25% for several hours after eating. They contain selenium, which can help with weight loss.
Ginger:  It improves gastric mobility and hinders the absorption of cholesterol.
Cayenne: cayenne contains Capsaicin which helps suppress appetite and increases metabolism, causing the body to burn more calories. 

Monday 25 February 2013

Tips to choose right diet to lose weight

Choosing a weight loss program may be a difficult task. You may not know what to look for in a weight loss program. Each individual is different. There is no universal diet that will help every person to lose weight. Here's how to choose a weight loss program that's right for you.

Tips to choose right diet to lose weight
  • When planning your diet it is important that you consider what calories level is appropriate for you.
  • Talk to a doctor. Getting a doctor involved in a weight loss program not only helps keep the diet on track, but also helps in the selection process.
  • You should consider that whether this diet will be practical and easy to follow.
  • Look for a program which increases physical activity. A diet will help you lose weight, but healthy weight loss results from both diet and exercises.
  • You should see whether the diet be maintainable for the rest of the day.
  • Some weight-loss programs require you to buy supplements or attend support meetings. So see whether the cost of such programs fit your budget.
  • Make small, slow changes, which will be easier to make a part of your everyday life.

Friday 22 February 2013

Snacks for Weight Loss

Snacks for Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight then instead of thinking about what you shouldn't eat, focus on the delicious foods that will help you satisfied. Snacks are vital to a healthy diet; they help keep blood sugars stable, prevent you from getting too hungry at your meals. Chips, cookies, ice cream, candy bars, and crackers are the most popular snack foods. They are also great way to get in lots of needed nutrients. It helps control hunger and reins in portion sizes at meals. 

Here are few snacks that help you to lose weight:
  • The best way to lose weight is to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Three apples a day can keep weight gain at bay.
  • Cheese can be hard to quit eating once you get started. So choose individually packaged light sliced cheeses that equal about one ounce.
  • Oats and oatmeal are high in fibre, which helps you feel full and satisfied longer. 
  • Nuts and seeds provide protein, so you will feel fuller longer. 
  • If you skip all the greasy butter and opt for the low fat variety, popcorn is the ideal thing to keep your stomach from rumbling.
  • Grapefruit is a delicious and nutritious sweet-tart snack, breakfast side or salad topping. 
  • Dig in to eggs, yolks and all. They won't harm your heart, but they can help you trim inches.

Lose weight without Starvation

Weight loss is definitely a challenge, but it can be accomplished without starvation diets and excessive amounts of exercise. Starvation dieting lowers the metabolism rate lowering the immune system, energy level and mood. The key to a healthy dieting is patience and a sound strategy. 

Lose weight without Starvation

Here are ways to lose weight without starvation:
  • Eat protein rich foods. Protein rich foods that are naturally appetite sating and worth emphasizing in the diet include meat, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.
  • Eating after starvation increases weight gain. Hunger pains and diminished health will eventually entice you to eat. You will tend to eat more than normal.
  • Eat breakfast each morning. You need the fuel to start your day. Opt for whole-grain cereal, fresh fruit, egg whites and lean protein for your morning meal.
  • Begin each meal with a bowl of low-calorie soup to help fill you up. Make homemade chicken, cabbage or tomato soup, or opt for canned versions. Buy low-sodium versions to help reduce salt in your diet.
  • Using smaller plates and bowls can help make it easier to eat enough, but not too much.
  • Foods like pasta, white bread, and potatoes make you fat. If you must have pasta, make yours whole-wheat.
  • Eating more slowly helps ensure that food is more likely to register in the body, and reduces the risk of eating more than is surplus to requirements. 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Kid’s weight loss tips

Kid’s weight loss tips

Kid’s weight loss requires a commitment from the whole family. It will be much easier for your kid to accept the changes to his eating habits and he feels that he is not going alone. But weight loss recommendations for children are different from adults. If your child is overweight, they increase their risk of developing asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure.

Children who eat too little may not have enough calories to grow in height. For this reason, a child's calories should not be cut too much and weight-loss recommendations for children are quite modest. Still there are plenty of ways for your kids to lose weight and ultimately healthier and happier.

  • Help kids fit in at least 60 minutes of fitness everyday. That might be 20 minutes of walking, 15 minutes of physical playing or 25 minutes of playing basketball or something else.
  • Try to make your kid to eat breakfast everyday because this avoids snacking on empty calories. The morning meals should include whole grins, fruits and proteins.
  • Restful sleep can actually help prevent weight gain in kids and adults.
  • Swap soda for water, low-fat milk, or juice.
  • Child's weight loss should be limited to an average of 1 pound per month. This allows the child to continue growing taller and building muscle.
  • Talk to your child about the benefits of eating well and looking after their body. 
  • Shut off the TV set (or computer, or video game console) after a max of two hours a day. This frees up time for more physical activity and can contribute to kid’s weight loss.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Jumping Rope Burns Calories

Jumping Rope Burns Calories

Jumping rope does not only help you burns calories but also helps you develop strong and toned muscles. It is a form of cardiovascular exercise that is relatively inexpensive and can be done just about anywhere. You can use them inside or outside and they can be used by kids and adults. To jump rope you need an area with enough room and a good surface. For space you should be able to stretch out. 

Jumping Rope
How to Jump Rope:
  • You could jump without the rope first. Practice going through the motions and improve your endurance. 
  • When jumping rope stay on your toes and try not to jump higher than you need to. 
  • Jump 1 to 2 inches off floor, giving rope just enough space to slip under feet. Only the balls of feet should touch the floor.
  • You do not want to land on your heels and when jump you should just clear the rope.
  • Keep elbows close to sides as you turn the rope. The movement comes from the wrists and forearms, not the shoulders.
  • Pay attention and only jump rope if your calves are not sore from the last time. 
  • You can adjust the length of the rope by tying knots in it near the handle. Use knots that are easy to untie in case you want to make it longer again.

Jumping rope helps to burn calories:
  • It burns around 350 calories in half an hour.
  • Biking really fast for half an hour would burn a similar amount of calories to jumping rope for half an hour.
  • When you stop jumping rope keep moving you feet until you start jumping again.
  • It is recommended to jump rope for 20 to 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week.
  • It can improve your cardiovascular endurance and give you a full body workout.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Protein Shakes helps with Weight Loss

Anyone who is trying to lose weight should include protein shakes into their arsenal to fight weight loss. Losing weight with at home products makes the journey of weight loss even more attainable. In order to lose weight, some people starve themselves and others try a myriad of foods and recipes that will help them lose weight. One such food is weight loss shakes that are known to consist of high proteins and other nutrients to keep you fuller for longer.

Protein Shakes helps with Weight Loss

Protein shakes have become an increasingly popular supplement for both people trying to lose weight as well as those trying to build some muscles. Homemade shakes can be versatile in flavor and texture in order to meet the needs of different individuals both nutritionally, as well as maintaining great taste.

5 Recipes for Weight Loss Shakes:
Protein Shake
  • Fresh Fruit Mix: This shake requires blending together one fresh apricot, a ¼ cup of pineapple chunks, ½ banana, six strawberries, and ½ cup of skimmed milk. For a touch of freshness, try out mint as a garnish, or a dash of cinnamon or cardamom for a rich flavor.
  • Banana Protein Shake: This shake requires 1 scoop vanilla whey powder, 1 medium to large banana, 8 oz. light soy milk, 1 tbsp linseed, soy and lemon mixture, 1 tsp of golden syrup, few drops of vanilla essence, 3-4 cubes of ices, 1 tbsp of low fat natural yogurt.
  • Vegetable Shake: For vegetable shake you have to first acquire a taste for it. Put in a choice of your favorite vegetables such as carrot, tomatoes, beetroot, radish, spinach or pumpkin, along with a cup of non-fat yogurt and a dash of fresh lemon juice.
  • Strawberry Savior: For preparing a strawberry shake you have to require 4 scoops vanilla whey powder, 8 fluid ounces water, 1 Colombo strawberry yogurt, 3 frozen strawberries, 1 tsp of creatine and 1 tsp of flax seed oil.
  • Peach Apple Shake: Combine together one peeled, de-seeded and diced apple, pear, two peaches in a blender to make this smoothie. Add in a tbsp of vanilla flavored protein powder to give it an additional taste. You can also add a few mint leaves to this shake to give it a refreshing flavor. 

Friday 15 February 2013

Salad and Soup recipe to Lose Weight

Filling up on fiber and water rich foods first can help prevent you from overdoing high calorie fare later. Also eating a first-course salad can reduce overall calorie intake at a meal by up to 12 percent. It is also shown that people who started lunch with vegetable soup ended up eating 20 percent less than those who skipped soup. Try this healthy salad recipe or healthy soup recipe before your dinner tonight to lose weight.

Cauliflower Salad Recipe 

Cauliflower Salad Recipe
  • 5 tbsp reduced-fat mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp cider vinegar
  • 1 small shallot, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp caraway seeds (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 3 cups chopped cauliflower florets
  • 2 cups chopped heart of romaine
  • 1 tart-sweet red apple, chopped

  •  Whisk mayonnaise, vinegar, shallot, caraway seeds (if using) and pepper in a large bowl until smooth.
  •  Now add cauliflower, romaine and apple; toss to coat.

Pumpkin Soup Recipe 

Pumpkin Soup Recipe
  • Saute two slices of chopped bacon and 1 chopped onion; drain fat.
  • Add one 29-ounce can pumpkin, 3 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth, 1 cup applesauce, and 2 teaspoons ground ginger.
  • Add salt and pepper; bring to boil simmer.
  • Add ½ cup light sour cream 

Thursday 14 February 2013

Tips to reduce Belly Fat for Teen Girls

Everyone wishes to have a completely flat belly, especially girls. For teenage girls, belly fat can be huge disaster. Some teenage girls struggle with their weight, and they look for effective ways to reduce belly fat. Every girl in this stage wants to appear their best. For people who are trying to get rid of their tummy the natural way, diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are always the things to do.

Tips to reduce Belly Fat for Teen Girls
There are many several techniques to help teenagers reduce belly fats:
  • Begin a workout routine and set aside time to exercise. Work out for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. Effective exercises include walking, jogging, playing sports, biking or swimming.
  • Sugary treats like cake, ice creams and cookies will cause abdominal weight. So avoid sugary foods intake.
  • Drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day to lose belly fat.
  • Core muscle strength is the key to strengthening those abdominal muscles and losing excess belly fat quickly. So, do work on your core muscles more diligently.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, or take a daily fiber supplement to promote digestive health and get rid of abdominal bloating. 
  • Avoid fatty foods from your diet. Stay away from high-fat foods, including fried foods and fast foods. Take low-fat or no-fat alternatives.
  • Eating at the right time is very important. Do not have a late lunch’ or a midnight snack. These may have a fancy ring to it but these are extremely dangerous for your belly reduction.
  • Sleep early and rise up also early. Because enough sleep is very important. One must get 8 hours of sleep everyday.
  • Do not smoke and do not drink the night away.
  • Avoid sitting at one place for long duration of time and day-dreaming. Involve yourself in some or the other physical work and keep yourself busy. 

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Stretching Exercises helps to Lose Weight

Stretching can help lengthen and prepare the muscles for exercise or sports.  They are the critical part of any exercise routine. Total body stretch workout offers basic exercises to build flexibility in the chest, shoulders, back, arms and legs. Stretching exercises alone will not help you lose weight, but are important to an overall fitness plan.
Before start any hard exercise you must do some stretching exercise to make your body perfect for take exercise and away from injuries or accidents. There are lots of stretching exercise that will help to improve muscles and body stress.

Stretching Exercises helps to Lose Weight

Benefits of Stretching Exercises:
  • Stretching helps to keep your muscles loose and prevents tightening of the muscles.  This in turn helps to maintain a proper posture and reduces aches and pains.  
  • Stretching increases your flexibility and helps improve daily activities and tasks.  
  • Stretching is a great way to help relieve stress and helps to relax tense muscles that are usually accompanied with stress.

Stretching exercises:
  • Begin with a 5-10 minute warm up of light cardio (walking in place, etc.)
  • Avoid any exercises that cause pain or discomfort
  • Simple things like tying your shoes, bending down to pick up your child or running to catch a bus are easier with better flexibility.
  • Lift your arms up to your shoulders and drop it down. Repeat this for 10 times.
  • Lift your arms parallel to your ears, in a straight line. Rotate the arm in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Do this for 10 times each.
  • Bend your hands down and go all the way up from touching your toes to a bit behind you head. If you can’t touch the toes yet, you will get there in 1-2 weeks. Do this 5 times.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

Lemon is known for their sour taste which is widely used for culinary and non-culinary purpose. The sour taste of lemon juice is derived from the high citric acid content in this fruit. It’s amazing how a simple fruit like a lemon can be so effective in helping the body regulate its metabolism and sugar absorption, in a manner that helps you lose extra weight. A lemon juice diet is a safe, delicious way to get slim quickly.

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

Besides the juice, some dieters even eat the lemon peels along with the juice. This doubles the effectiveness of lemon in weight loss. Lemons are rich in citric acid, so when you take a glass of lemon juice in plain warm water first thing in the morning, you introduce healthy natural digestive aid into your stomach. 
  • Lemons are high in fiber, a fat-fighting nutrient that controls hunger pangs, reduces cravings and aids in digestion.
  • Lemon juice also purifies the blood, prevents constipation, regulates blood sugar and controls high blood pressure.
  • Lemon can help you lower the absorption of sugars from the food you eat simply because of its high acidic content. 
  • Lemon juice is also high in vitamin C; this allows the body to absorb more calcium because calcium not only builds stronger bones but also prevents the storage of fat.

There are many ways to incorporate lemons in your diet:
  • Start off by drinking lemon water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Just mix the juice of half a lemon with a cup of warm water and sweeten with coconut syrup.
  • Squeeze lemon juice on sea food or use it as marinade for chicken and beef dishes.
  • Simply mix one part lemon juice with 3 parts heart-healthy olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. 

Sunday 10 February 2013

Lose weight with Herbal Tea

Loosing weight seems to have become a modern day obsession. The reason behind the rapid increase in weight of most of people appears to be comfort of modern day. The main concept of weight loss is in eating fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight. More and more peoples are interested to try natural remedies for weight loss. Herbal Tea is one of the best choices.
Most teas can help promote urination while some teas can even help prevent sugar and fat absorption. Some herbal teas are also thought to aid weight loss, most notably green tea. 

Lose weight with Herbal Tea

Weight loss benefits of Green Tea:
Green Tea is also an herbal tea which has been found to be very effective in aiding weight loss and at the same time providing additional healthy benefits to the body. Green tea contains antioxidants called catechin polyphenols. These substances break down the triglycerides which results in less fat being stored in the body. 
  • It increases metabolism
  • It decreases the fat absorption
  • It also boosts the immune system
  • Assists in shielding the skin from ultra violet rays
  • Antioxidant levels in the body are increased

Preparation of Green Tea:
  • Start with filtered cold water and bring it to a boil.
  • Allow the water to cool for approximately 1 minute and pour it over the tea leaves.
  • Allow the tea to steep for approximately 4 to 15 minutes depending on how strong you want the tea.
  • Strain or remove the leaves. Now it is ready to drink.
  • Note: If you pour the boiling water directly over the tea leaves, it can damage the flavor and your tea will end up tasting bitter.

Friday 8 February 2013

Morning Exercise for Weight Loss

Working out in the morning can provide huge advantages to improving your weight loss. Change in lifestyle has made people compromise on their morning exercises, but experts normally advise morning exercises over the untimely exercise schedule. Morning exercises are normally suggested, because during mornings our body lacks the crabs and hence an individual burns off weight more than the normal. 

The multiple factors that influence weight loss such as burning calories, motivation and consistent routine can all be addressed by working out when you wake up. Plus, the physical and mental benefits can provide a positive outlook for your entire day.

Morning Exercise for Weight Loss

Here are some reasons why an individual should choose mornings than the other time of the day:
  • Morning exercising is said to charge the metabolism. It also keeps the body active for hours together. A fast metabolism helps in burning more calories rapidly.
  • Most importantly morning exercises regulate your appetite. Which means you won't feel too hungry and thus end up making better food choices. This will pave way to easier weight loss. 
  • The hormones well prepare your body by regulating blood pressure, heart beat rate etc. this makes weight loss, quick, easy and natural.
  • You get focused attention for workout because exercising in morning can help you eliminate distractions.
  • Scheduling your workout first thing in the morning creates a routine. Individuals who have consistent routines are more likely to lose weight because they are regularly engaged in their fitness program.
  • Psychologically, exercising in the mornings puts you on a healthy mindset. 
  • Exercising in the morning aids to a good and sound sleep. Morning exercises are proven to improve the quality of sleep.
Exercising in the morning is the only weight loss tip you will ever need. Now that you know why it’s important, follow it and experience the change. 

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Fat Burning Workouts at Home

It is natural that 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity physical activity improves health and cardio fitness. But you don’t get time to do these things in your busy schedules. So you don't have to do all 30 minutes in one stretch. In fact, you can do 20 or just 10 minutes a day to reap some of the benefits, from losing weight to toning to reducing stress and clearing your mind. The right combination of cardio training and strength-building exercises is the key to burning fat and turning it into muscle.

Normal workouts are the great way to get started, but if you are serious about getting shape, a training program will get you the best results.

Fat Burning Workouts at Home

Total body workouts at home:
  1. By doing this total body workout you will get toned arms, jeans that fit better in four weeks. For this workout you just need a pair of 5 to 8 pounds weights.
  2. For 1 Minute, stand while holding weights vertically in your hands, arms stretched out. Now pretend you're sitting down on a chair, hold for three counts, and then get back up, bringing the weights toward your chest. Repeat this.
  3. For 1 minute, holding the weights, get in a semi squat position, spine at 45 degrees, back flat, arms hanging straight down, perpendicular to the floor. Now bend your elbows (so they're pointing up at the ceiling) and lift weights toward your chest; hold. Slowly lower weights to original position. Repeat. 
  4. For 3 minutes, take your hand weights, arms by your side. Step right foot forward into a lunge; hold as you slowly bring up your weights in a bicep curl; return to original position. Now, while pivoting, step to the left (still with your right foot); hold return. Continue for two more rotations until you're back to where you started. Now repeat entire revolution with the left foot forward. 
  5. For 1 minute, do push-ups on the floor or against the wall. 
  6. For 3 minutes, drop to the floor for a core hold: With forearms and toes on floor, keep spine straight and abs held in. Hold for one minute. Then release and stretch back into a yoga child's pose: Sit back on your shins and reach your arms to the floor in front of you. Repeat core hold.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Burn Calories while Sleeping

You have been working hard all day on your diet to lose weight, so it only makes sense to add a little more effort into effectively losing weight by burning more calories while sleeping. The calories you burn while sleeping is normally the lowest rate at which you burn calories. There are also many other ways to burn calories like laughing, drinking more water and chewing gum. But in terms of total body rest, it is proved that when you are asleep you burn calories.

Burn Calories while Sleeping

Getting enough sleep helps people burn more calories at night and during the day. There are also other ways to increase weight loss while sleeping. To burn more calories while sleeping, follow the steps given below.
  • Green tea is known to increase the metabolic rate of a person. Drinking green tea before going to bed will aid in the burning process.
  • Try to avoid consuming carbohydrates at least five hours before you go to bed.
  • Our bodies use more energy to keep warm. By turning down your heater at night, you will be turning up your body's metabolic rate, which will burn more calories to keep you warm.
  • Get enough sleep. If you sleep only for 6 hours or lesser your body will not get enough time to burn all the calories that you have consumed during the day.
  • Make sure to meditate and relax before going to sleep. Relaxing cause cortical levels to drop, which will in turn help your body burn more calories.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before going to sleep. It slows down your metabolism rate.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Why your Workout Isn't Working?

We all know that how workouts are beneficial which helps us to keep healthy and fit. But what happens when your workouts aren't delivering the results you want? You could invest lots of time in workouts but after all these things also you will be putting weight on and not seeing any results when you notice it in front of the mirror.  If you're not trimming down, toning up, or feeling any fitter, it's likely due to one of the following exercise errors. Check out are you making these workout mistakes

Why your Workout Isn't Working

  • Poor preparation, you are not working hard enough. It’s definitely time to increase the intensity and start pushing yourself. 
  • Overestimating your exercise. Most exercisers are far too generous with estimates of exercise intensity and time, amount of weight lifted, and the frequency of their workouts. 
  • Consuming too many liquid calories
  • Doing the wrong type of workout
  • Skipping breakfast is also a major drawback for getting expected results
  • Your goal is unrealistic. Set realistic goals and monitor your progress
  • A lot of people hit the gym, but don't watch what they eat. Due to this they get impatient because they don't see dramatic changes in the first few weeks of working out.
  • You are trading sleep for workouts
  • Not getting enough protein
  • Measuring the wrong results which is often setup for disappointment.

Friday 1 February 2013

Fat Reducing Properties of Strawberries

When people consume more calories, their body will store those extra calories as fat. This extra fat makes people to overweight. Many of us think that, being overweight is an appearance issue. But the real thing is, overweight affects health and leads to diabetes and heart diseases. So it is important to reduce body fat for a healthy and happy life. In this article I have explained the fat reducing properties of strawberries.

Fat Reducing Properties of Strawberries

Each and every fruit contains minerals and vitamins. These natural packed vitamins helps to the proper functioning of human body. Strawberries contain anti-inflammatory enzymes and antioxidants, which increase the metabolic rate and slow down skin aging. So the body burns fat instead of storing it. Strawberries contain vitamin C, Magnesium and Potassium. Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system and Potassium helps to control blood pressure level. Apart from weight loss, it helps to control blood sugar and promote brain health. Taking Strawberries daily is good for health and it reduces the body fat.

In order to get maximum health benefits from Strawberries, it is important to select big and red strawberries. Because red color Strawberries have more vitamins. Try to buy Organic strawberries, because it provides more benefits than the alternatives.

The below table shows the fat reducing vitamins and minerals in Strawberries:

Vitamins and nutrients in strawberries
 1 Cup (150.00 grams)
Vitamin C 141.5%
Fiber 12%
Folate 9%
Potassium 6.5%
Iron 6%
Omega3-fats 4%
Iodine 9%