Thursday 20 December 2012

Burn your facial fat

The fat on face has become such a disturbing problem to most people that a lot of health practitioners have come up with more natural ways to reduce face fat. If you gain weight, you are going to gain it all over your body. This means you will also gain it on your face and neck, two places that are hard to hide it.

Burn your facial fat

Tips to reduce facial fat:

  • Eat fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds daily.
  • Exercise your facial muscles by doing facial exercises. 
  • Tilt your head backwards gradually as far as you can until you sense a strain on the muscles of your neck. Now, move your lower jaw alternately to and fro. Perform this routine five times a day to help firm your neck muscles.
  • Put your lips in a relaxed, closed position and move your lower lip above your upper one as far up as you can. Hold this position and count from 1 to 10. Perform ten times a day for facial fat loss around the neck region. 
  • Close your lips together and relax. Round your lips and count to 20. Stop, relax and lower your head to look straight. Repeat this procedure for five minutes daily to lose excess chin fat.
  • Smiling as much as possible or holding smiles as exercises and general exercising to reduce overall body fat can help you reduce facial fat as well.
  • Avoid all such foods as are loaded with high sodium content because sodium causes water retention and excess facial fat.


  1. Most face slimming products give side effects. To avoid those side effects you must stop using such harmful products. Instead you should try Goji Berry Juice. It is 100% natural and organic.
