Friday 21 December 2012

Honey helps to reduce fat

Honey helps to reduce fat

Honey is a product which is made from flower nectar. Honey contains refined sugar, vitamins and minerals too. Honey is the best way to reduce fat. If you are trying to lose weight, honey can be of great help to you. Honey is a good source of nutrients and helps in reducing weight.

One of the most effective remedies for obesity is fasting on lemon honey water. Drinking lemon water with honey in regular intervals is highly effective in weight loss. Many people drink this formula in the morning to reduce weight. Drink honey with equal amount of warm water this will make a gradual decrease in your weight.

Honey also improves your digestion and thus helps in weight loss. Hence honey is also consumed after dinner especially after overeating. The best time to burn fat they found is while you are sleeping. Two spoonful of honey before bed will help burn off fat while you sleep.  The hibernation diet promises to help people lose weight while they sleep. 


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