Sunday 3 February 2013

Why your Workout Isn't Working?

We all know that how workouts are beneficial which helps us to keep healthy and fit. But what happens when your workouts aren't delivering the results you want? You could invest lots of time in workouts but after all these things also you will be putting weight on and not seeing any results when you notice it in front of the mirror.  If you're not trimming down, toning up, or feeling any fitter, it's likely due to one of the following exercise errors. Check out are you making these workout mistakes

Why your Workout Isn't Working

  • Poor preparation, you are not working hard enough. It’s definitely time to increase the intensity and start pushing yourself. 
  • Overestimating your exercise. Most exercisers are far too generous with estimates of exercise intensity and time, amount of weight lifted, and the frequency of their workouts. 
  • Consuming too many liquid calories
  • Doing the wrong type of workout
  • Skipping breakfast is also a major drawback for getting expected results
  • Your goal is unrealistic. Set realistic goals and monitor your progress
  • A lot of people hit the gym, but don't watch what they eat. Due to this they get impatient because they don't see dramatic changes in the first few weeks of working out.
  • You are trading sleep for workouts
  • Not getting enough protein
  • Measuring the wrong results which is often setup for disappointment.


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